




We do and do and do. In all our doing we pattern. Some patterns serve us. Some don’t. Traumas and conditions enter our personal stories and limit our range of motion, ease, and even the belief of our potential. We can forget what freedom feels like. The Trager® Approach reminds us.

Lulling, rhythmic gestures gently overcome patterned hardness, restrictions, and dis-ease. In painless passive motion, every cell is asked to reconsider where it is, how it is, and how it might prefer to be. When the changeable subconscious trusts patient suggestions of softness, letting go happens at a source level. Old patterns dissolve. Known edges expand. Freedom is recalled, or felt for the first time.


Bone, joints, fascia, muscle, organs, lymph, fluid, energy, patterns, and the nervous system are all subjects of the work’s play. The body and mind are invited to release their weights, interestingly, by using the body’s weights in motion. The fullness of the shoulder, for example, is engaged fascially and gently lifted and released in hypnotic rhythm — sometimes slow and lulling and sometimes quick and vibratory. Gentle bounces, rebounds, and waves erode patterned subconscious control. Physical energies and systems organize as the body flows freely and ripples uninterrupted. It is a unique experience to allow another to take your weight and pleasantly toss what you don’t need to hold onto away, leaving just you.

Shoulders are reminded how to hang, arms how to swing, fingers how to dangle, necks how to glide, spines how to slither, ribs how to rise, bellies how to breathe, hips how to sway, feet how to roll, scars how to yield, bones how to bounce, the mind how to soften. Although one session can be profound, results are cumulative.  Each successive session offers deeper depatterning of a limiting state and repatterning of a more optimal state. 

Prevailing effects clients report are freedom from pain and tension, easier movement, increased range of motion, an overall lightness of being, a sense of length in limbs and spine, a natural heaviness of shoulders, feeling where numbness was, emotional release, body-mindfulness, fuller breath, more restful sleep, deep peace, renewal, centeredness, joy, and a friendlier relationship with oneself and gravity. When we feel something different and better we can become something different and better. A kinder condition evolves as old, negative patterns are offset by new, positive experience. The subconscious redefines itself, and, our potential.


Sessions begin or conclude with simple, near effortless movement explorations that put you into your own hands and empower you to replace old habits of holding on with new ways of letting go. A more peaceful condition evolves as you explore what could be freer, lighter, easier… And what could be freer yet, even lighter, ever easier? What does effortlessness feel like? Integration of this mindful curiosity into your daily life will positively change you forever.